fastener - a device for
connecting pallet components such as nails, staples, screws, bolts, lag bolts,
adhesives and welds
- a pallet with deckboards flush with the stringers, stringerboards or blocks
along the ends and sides of the pallet fork entry - the opening between decks,
beneath the top deck and ground or beneath the stringerboards to admit the forks
of a lifting device (i.e. fork truck, AS/RS, pallet
jack) |
four-way block paIlet - a pallet with
openings at both opposite pallet ends and sides sufficient to admit hand-pallet
jacks; full four-way entry pallet
(wheel) jack opening - the aperture
provided in the pallet bottom deck to allow pallet jack wheels to bear on the
ground; window
handling - a single pick-up;
movement as a result of picking up, transporting, and setting down of an empty
or loaded pallet
hardwood - a wood from
broad-leaved tree species (not necessarily hard in texture or
helically threaded naiI - continuous helically
threaded pallet nail; see drive-screw nail
deckboard - any deckboard located between the end deckboards; interior
length - refers to the
stringer or stringerboard length; also refers to the first dimension given to
describe a pallet, i.e, 48" x 40", where 48" is the pallet stringer or
stringerboard length
limited-use pallet - a pallet designed
for an average of up to nine trips, with an average of five handlings per trip
in an average environment; single-trip pallet; one-trip pallet; one-way pallet;
expendable pallet; shipping pallet
multiple-use pallet - a pallet designed
for repeated uses for more than one unit load with an average minimum
life-to-first repair of ten trips or more, with an average of five handlings per
trip in an average handling environment; multiple-trip pallet; returnable
pallet; reusable pallet; warehouse pallet; permanent pallet; general-purpose
pallet; special-service pallet; through-transit pallet
NationaI Wooden Pallet and Container Association - an international
association with the goal of promoting the design, manufacture, distribution,
recycling, and sale of pallets, containers, and reels
non-reversible pallet - a pallet with a
dissimilar top and bottom deck configuration or without a bottom
notch - filleted cutout in
lower portion of the stringer to allow entry for the fork tine, usually 9" in
length and 1-1/4" to 1-1/2" in height.
notched stringer - a stringer with two
or more notches spaced for fork-tine entry (partial four-way
opening height - the vertical
dimension measured between decks, from the floor to the underside of the top
deck, or from the floor to the top of the stringer notch
overall height - the vertical
dimension measured from the pallet bottom to the pallet top
overhang - the distance the
deck or deckboard extends from the outer face of the outer pallet stringer,
stringerboard, or block; wing; lip; cantilever; distance the unit load extends
beyond the deck